Then I accidentally played a 6-player Limit Hold'em game... I came in second. I *should* have been first, but again, I got unlucky. But hey, I haven't cashed in a tourney in awhile, so I was pleased.
After a break I played two $50NL 6-max tables on stars. I did good and one table, then faded. I did bad at the other table, then shot up. But I finished both sessions in the green.
Behold the roller coaster. Starts slow...

Here's an example of my downfall early in the game:
The guy had a short stack and he was stacking with T/x or two clubs or whatever in that situation.
Oh well. I'm not folding in that situation ever.
I also made some bluffs and got called. I remember getting $15 invested and folding on the turn when a guy called and I had $1.75 more to call. This jleex87 guy made the "brilliant" observation that I was bluffing that hand, and proceeded to taunt me.
I told him to talk when he could afford a full buy-in, and that I'd double up anyway. I said those things to get him to taunt me more, and to make him more interested in proving me wrong (I'm passing on some tilt).
After that, ehen I'd lose $ in a pot he'd ask me if I'd doubled up yet and then laugh.
When he raised and I saw a PP, I said a prayer.
He left the table immediately after this hand... in silence.
This hand requires a little explanation.
I'd been playing with the same guy on my left the entire session. He had never 3-bet, but did so when I tried to steal with J/9. I let the time run for awhile, told him I had J/J, then folded.
I'm pretty sure he had me crushed with a Q/Q+ hand.
A bit later I notice him make a dumb 3-bet against someone else. It could be tilt or maybe I overestimated him? I'm guessing he was steaming because his big PP didn't get paid off to my "J/J."
Not too long afterward this hand came up.
He opened UTG, there was a caller, I 3-bet with Q/Q, and he shoved. Now, I thought back to the hand where I claimed to fold Jacks, and then his bad 3-bet close afterward, and I figured he was tilting. He could be shoving with 9/9+, Ace/face, or A/Ts+. So I called.
When I saw the flop I got sick (not that I could see his hand, but A/K was his most likely hand I figured).
Fortunately, Queens have been really good to me this week. I've made several sets with them.
Kings on the the other hand have been shown some brutal beats. And I don't just mean with me. It seems like everyone I railbirded this week had a K/K loss.
The other table I played at was less eventful:

I'm not going to bother posting hands for that table. Nothing interesting. That dip is when I was bullied off a pot by the big stack at the table. The rise is when I made a set of 8's against him. Unfortunately he folded before I could get stacks in. Oh well.
So anyway, session-wise, I finished both sessions in the green. Good good!
I'm feeling very comfortable at $50NL 6-max. The suckers are plentiful, and I feel like I know what I'm doing. Plus I got some big hands that actually paid.
I'm off to bed now. It's almost 2:00am.