Played the new 7-2 game on UltimateBet. It was a $.05/$.10 game, with $.15 from each person put into a side pool that they can win if they win a hand with 7/2.
It was wild!
The villain was 86/57.
Same villain, and the other guy was 77/32.
I suck out.
These players..... ugh!
I left because the biggest donk left, but finished ahead:
Played the CC game on UB. Won the CC game on UB. No euber suckouts. The only time I remember sucking out was when my A/4 beat A/9.
Oh... one time I had 2/2 and someone had J/K on a A/J/J flop and slow player it, which allowed me to hit my third 2 for the full house. *Then* he stacked. :) But he totally let me get there.
Hand #4. 1rishgir15 was 100/0/0 over three hands and 1ittleT0m was 0/0/0 (the other guy was 67/0/0). I've been getting in similar situations a lot lately, where I get all-in and have the best hand in a huge pot (though not necessarily dominant) and fail to get the win. Runner/runners have been hurting me.
Woot! I expected a flush draw and maybe A/9. Maybe a straight draw. But not those terrible hands.
Anyway, I was chip leader for most of the tournament. With three of us left (Yea! I cashed!)) the shorty was a luck-box. I made top pair on the flop anc checked, he shoved, I called, and he had second pair but made runner/runner straight! The very next hand the shorty made a runner/runner straight to suck out against the other big stack as well, only that time "shorty" had a lot more chips and doubling up made him chip leader.
Shorty was an idiot and I got his chips. HU I couldn't catch a card. After the 4th loss in a row we were almost even in chips and I offered a deal.
Full Tilt has the option to make deals now! I really like their software update. This was each of our first tries at making a deal. He was dealer, so he got to pick the terms, but it's mostly automated. He accepted and we split the pot according to chip percentages. He had maybe $250 more chips than me so he got a few cents more than me. But we both got better than 2nd place money, which was nice.