I had 100,3xx early last night but decided to plat anyway. I lost a few thousand up front, only to finish the night with 100,59xx in my account. Sweet! When I logged off I saw that I was online for 1:30, and I think I spent 20 minutes checking email and such, so I was doing pretty freaking well.
Also, I was dealt A/A, got someone to go all-in post-flop, and won! That's two wins in a row with pocket aces! When the turn hit I screamed "No!" as saw the 4567 and I thought that he might have caught a straight. Seriously, I've lost AA to straights on the river *most* of the time in the past month. Luckily it was just paranoia that saw the straight, and I raked in the pot.

I've been reading Daniel Negreanu's blog and have paid attention to his views on strategy. I've been working my way up from the beginning, and just reached his 2006 entries. I hope to be current in a week or so.
I credit a lot of last night's winnings to stuff I picked up in his blog. I used to play super-tight, and then got super aggressive with big hands to. DN advocates a more aggressive style, which I tried to use last night (and seemed to work well).
I like playing more pots. It's a lot more fun. However, I don't know what I'll do in my next real (sitting at a table with humans) game.
Previously online I'd sit back, wait for premium hands, then bet big because I knew people would break themselves against my big hands. But last night I played a lot more pots, which allowed me to outplay people post-flop.
I found a screencap of a 90k pot that I lost on my cold streak a couple weeks ago. We were all-in before the Turn. Also, I was #2 in chips, with something like 27k. The guy on my right was #1, with maybe 29 or 30k. Man, that 90k would have done a lot to my morale.

Granted, with all those players my chances of winning after the flop were in the low 30% range, but that's still about twice as much as any other player. But after the flop I was better than 40%. I guess my biggest disappointment was that I'd have still come out ahead for the hand (thanks to the huge side pot) if I beat the guy to my right. But no, he went from 20% pre-flop to 15% post flop, to 25% post turn, to winner. Doh!
Oh well. At least the Jack of hearts didn't hit the river. That would have been insulting.
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