The game started out bad. My first hand was 7/2 off-suit and I called out of position. I have no idea what happened that hand because my screen locked up and my Full Tilt program shut down. When I reconnected I was out of the hand, and I was sitting out. I think another hand went by as well, as when I returned I was the BB (Big Blind).
I was doing pretty good, then hit a lucky streak. I was dealt K/K and won a *lot* of chips. The very next hand I was dealt Q/Q and did better than doubling up:

At this point there were 256 players left in the game, and I was #4 in chips.
Immediatly after my Q/Q hand I was moved to another table where I had to wait for the hand to finish. Because of my position I had to wait for a second hand to finish.
After that hand I was moved to another table. Doh!
Here's what my first hand at that table looked like:

The way it played out wasn't especially good for me. I limped in, hoping for a raise so I could re-raise. One or two people called, then the small blind went all-in. That forced everybody else to fold, exept for me of course.
I kept track of players dumb moves. The chip leader at the table (one of the tournament chip leaders) was making a lot of dumb moves. I don't see how he stayed in the game so long.
He loved going all-in pre-flop. In his player notes I jotted down that he was all-in pre-flop under the gun with Ace/Ten. Then as the SB (Small Blind) he was all-in pre-flop with Queen/Ten off-suit. I waited for him for me to have a hand to challenge him and double-up.
That situation arrived a few minutes later. I had AK and he went all-in. I was hoping for another Ace/Paint scenario, so I'd have him dominated. Unfortunately he had a pair, giving him a slight advantage.

As you can see I failed to connect, and the one guy at the table who could eliminate me did eliminate me.
It was sort of a relief to lose. My PC was acting really slow. I'd click "raise" or "fold" or whatever and it took a long time for my action to be accepted. If I had one that hand my plan was to click "Sit out next hand" and then reboot my laptop. I just knew that a call or re-raise situation was going to come up and I'd Full Tilt would fold me because they didn't get the command in time.
I played a couple 10k, 9 player tournaments before this game. I came in 3rd the first (paying 18k) and 5th in the second, so I had a net loss of 2,000.
In the first game there was an annoying know-it-all player directly to my left who belittled the woman directly to my right. She was making dumb calls.
I defended her... no reason to be rude (or to correct the bad play in others). I guess she took kindly to me because whenever she and I were heads up she's show me what cards she had.
I don't remember what happened in the second 10k tournament. Oh wait... yeah I do. I had second pair on the flop (ace kicker) and most people folded. The turn put a third club on the board and I checked. The other guy checked. The river was a blank and I put in a value bet.
Unfortunately he had two clubs, giving him the flush to beat me.
He didn't have the right odds to call the post-flop bet, but after that he played beautifully.
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