Yesterday I decided that I shouldn't be hitting the real game unless I'm crushing the free Full Tilt tables. I was up over 100k with this account at one point but I've been slowly using money with it for quite awhile now.
I was down to just over 4,000 when I started this evening, and worked that up to 32k.
I got my first big hand Q/Q, and raised to 1,000 when three people limped in before me. The guy on my left called, then a short stack raised all-in, then someone else raised all-in. I had both of these people covered (side por city) so I went all-in myself to encourage the guy on my left (who had me covered) to fold. He called.

Then I saw their cards. What where they thinking?
Okay, maybe the guy on my left thought I was stealing, but the next guy responding to two people out of position putting in 1k apiece by going all-in with 2/2? Insane!
And then guy #3 reacting to all that action by going all in with just A/T????
Then the last guy calling all that insane action with an A/2?
At least justice prevailed and neither the one remaining 2 nor the two remaining Aces showed up, giving me the entire pot. Sweet!
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