Saturday, August 9, 2008

Another quick update

I played several more S&G's. WHY AM I DOING THAT TO MYSELF?

It's a mixture of over-aggressive play and bad beats.

People play terribly. Yeah playing K/Jo is questionable but they kept limping and I figured that if I hit...
Well... look at how this guy played:

I have been running stupid-well in $50NL. Looking at my last 10 sessions, I've only finished down at just *one* table, losing a whopping $.75.

My BB/100 is 29 for those sessions. Yipes!

Now, my overall BB/100 at $50NL is 1.06. Yeah, I've been running well, but the more I play the more I realize how unlucky I was early on in my $50NL career.

I think I need to quit playing S&G's and just concentrate on what I know. Well... that's just the practical me talking. I have fun... and I'm playing way way below my bankroll in those things, so the losses don't hurt. But man, the losses have been frustrating.

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