Friday, November 28, 2008

Freen in $50NL. Woot!

Tonight I played two tables, winning a whopping $1.55 on one before it dried up.

At the other table, evidently I lost money on 5 of the first 7 hands I was dealt (folding 2 pre-flop). But things improved. All these hands are from that table,

First off, this happened on my 4th hand at the table:

That put a big bulls eye on a certain player. I wanted him to double me up. And even though I wanted to leave near the end I stayed in the hopes that I could get chips off him.

Someone opened UTG to $1.50, I 4-bet with Q/Q to $4.50 from the SB, and he called.
The flop was A/Q/5 (two hearts). I c-bet, and he folded. :( I wish he had A/K.

I flop the world:

My biggest loss of the night was against the target:

Not much I could do there. I figured he had 8's, 9's or J's. Maybe a Q/r. But I'm not playing a big pot with that hand.

Nice flop again:

What? A/K again? No way it'll hit.

What? Since when does A/K hit the flop two times the same night? And they even hold! Weeee! Next thing you know...

...A/A will pay

Here's another enjoyable hand:

The T on the river was good. I don't think he'd have called if it didn't hit. The T made me having a T less likely.


No way! It holds every time? Inconceivable!
Now, I know stacking with TPTK is an iffy play. In fact, I think it was the wrong play here. But it worked. I know he made that draw-shove earlier, but he probably wasn't calling a shove with a worse hand.
I think he had the flush draw, but who knows? He went into the tank awhile and implied that he thought I had a set of Kings.

I run so hot I'm afraid to touch myself:

So, I left the table with a nice profit.

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