This has nothing to do with poker, other than sort of setting the stage for why there's no frigg'n way I'll be playing poker tonight. This is mostly to vent and clean my head.
Things are going smoother than I could hope for with the divorce. It's still killing me inside, but there's no malice and we're friends with each other. But it's a constant internal burden. I still love her, she just doesn't feel the same way.
My father-in-law had a heart attack and I was awoken via phone call with that news yesterday, causing me to skip my shower and shave to help them out with some chores. I feel like I've been playing cach-up ever since.
I had Monday off, but I'm running the shop by myself the rest of this week and it's been hectic. Lots of emergencies at work, which is good for business, but sort of rough for one person to juggle it.
Last night I went out to the in-law's place to feed the dogs and take their puppy back to my place, so I didn't get home until pretty late last night. Thankfully my daughter was willing to go right to bed at bed time. And despite the dog's reputation it only peed on my carpet once.
I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, staying up a couple hours later than I wanted to. Plus the puppy kept whining.
Then I had a really disturbing nightmare involving my wife. I was woken from it by my daughter, who was calling me because she wet the bed.
That was her last pair of pajamas and my alarm was going to go off pretty soon anyway, so I just stayed up and dressed her for school and threw her pajamas and the sheets into the laundry.
After tending the dogs and dressing my daughter for the 12 degree (or whatever) cold front that moved in, I noticed that my right rear tire was completely flat.
The can of fix-a-flat was frozen, so I couldn't use that.
I had an air compressor stuffed in the far back of my shed. It is ancient, and weighs about 60 pounds.
I dragged out my lawn mowers and moved my kayak to get to the compressor. The handle popped out as I lugged it to the front yard, then up the steps of my porch (because that's where the electricity is. After turning it on I noticed that it had the blower end on instead of the tire inflation end, so I had to go back and scour the shed to find the proper end.
I got my daughter to school on time... I think. I think I was there two minutes before she was officially tardy, but they were doing announcements over the intercom system, so maybe she was late.
Then I took the car to the garage to get the tire repaired and get an oil change. I guess the cold weather makes them work slower because it took closer to an hour, even though there were no other customers ahead of me.
My mother-in-law needed the car (she's staying at the hospital) so my wife drove the car up and our daughter and I followed in my car, to give her a ride back. About 45 minutes in, I noticed a burning smell and saw smoke coming from the engine. I pulled over and saw that the cap of the oil was missing. Oil had spewed all over the engine.
I took the car to an auto parts store than was thankfully only a couple blocks away. I bought a new cap and a quart of oil to replace the spilled stuff.
The cap did not fit.
They got me another, that also didn't fit.
I laughed about it and told them about my flat tire and the trip to the hospital. The guy was really helpful and was on the phone for another 30 minutes (after trying everything he could think of for 20 minutes, and about 5 different caps) with all the other auto parts stores in the area. trying to get something for me. Unfortunately the final determination was that it was a part I'd have to get from a Ford dealer. Ugh.
He gave me a piece of plastic (from a package) and a rubber band to seal the hole.
It worked. Woo-hoo!
We visited my father-in-law, who's doing well. Then we drove back to work to get my dog.
I dropped my wife off in time, as she was going out drinking with friends. She also told me that I'd have our daughter and extra night this week because she was going to be off doing something Thursday.
When I went to work to pick up my dog I found that it peed on the carpet. So I cleaned that up.
After cleaning that up we went home. I squeezed past the air compressor on my front porch while holding my sleeping daughter. I stripped my daughter and put her on the sofa since the pajamas were still wet in the dryer, and he bed was stripped bare (to dry).
Miraculously my father-in-laws dog didn't make a pee or poo in her cage, though she did chew up my dog's dish which I'd put in there.
After letting the dog out and making the bed I finally got my daughter to bed and started to dry the pajamas and sheets.
Now I sit here at the computer, exhausted. I've been fighting off a cold. I'm just too busy to have it, so it's really mild. But I can sense it's there in the background and it's not making things any easier.
Tomorrow... oh man... where do I start? I need to drive my daughter to school, turn around and go the opposite way (past my house) back to my in-law's house to feed the dogs, then head back into town again to complain at the place where they lost my oil cap and get them to fix that problem. Then at work I have to set up a big backup system for the police department. Plus I have a bunch of computers in the shop to fix. Busy busy busy, and I have a feeling I'll be playing catch-up all day.
I am sooooo going to sleep in on Saturday.