I confided to a friend my dwindling bankroll, the whole "the first step is admitting you have a problem" thing. Since then I've slowed way down. I'm going to try to only play when I think I'm in the right frame of mind. I've also vowed to record every ring game session to force myself to be accountable for my actions.
I've also played more S&G's, as they limit my potential to spew. I won my last four Double-or-nothing games, putting my ROI at 32.55%. Nice, if I do say so myself.
Here's my totals for $10 Double-or-Nothing S&G's:

I have a new computer since the last update, and not all of my hands made the transfer. I had to go back and have PS send me data on 9 tournaments to get them all. But anyway, it's done.
Edit: It looks like I've cashed in 4/6 turbos and 23/32 regular tournaments. It's too small a sample size to be accurate, but extrapolating anyway, that's like 64/96 turbos and 69/96 regulars. While the turbo's have a smaller win rate, the ROI is greater, and the $ per hour is greater. I'm averaging just under 30 minutes for the turbos, and I think I averaged 45 for full rings.
Anyway, this is way way early to give much merit to those numbers. But it's still fun to look though them.
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