I was only in to play with a friend, so no big deal.
Played about 7 $1 S&G's, purposely playing bad to be funny in a video. I don't think I was that funny.
Played some for real, and got brutalized. I was in a $16 S&G, make trips in a BB vs SB scenario, and his small pocket pair turns into a full house to KO me first. Feh.
Today I played a freeroll on UltimateBet. Well, let's start at the beginning...
I tried to deposit on UB but it didn't work. They gave me $10.
I turned that into $12 in the rings.
I played a big $5.50 tournament and cashed to bring my bankroll up to $28, *and* a side bonus was that I finished in the top 25 so I won a $27 satellite ticket where the winner gets a trip to Aruba.
Then today I played a freeroll, and won it for $45 more. So, now I have $70-something which is not bad for three days worth of play.
One problem is that you can't do observer chat if you have not deposited, so as soon as I am knocked out of the tournament I can't say "GG" or anything like that.
So when I won the freeroll today, I couldn't talk afterward.
I'd get a 111% deposit bonus *and* rakeback if I deposit, so depositing would be nice.

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