The Winter League is over. My team (CardSchat) was in the lead going into the final game, but I failed to do well. In my final hand I opened on the button, the SB 3-bet, and I shoved with my Q/Q. He had A/K and failed to pair. However, a 2/3/4/5 came on the board, without the saving 6. Oh well. The Team MVP player ended up winning (he doubled up early to someone who stacked with less than top pair/top kicker. However, I was pretty much a lock for MVP going into this game. (I'd have been a lock, but dmorris68 substituted in for another player so if he got first and I tanked he could have passed me). I won MVP. Boo-ya! Out of 45 players, I was the only person in the top 10
last season to finish in the top 10 this season.

Poker-wise, I'm in a bit of a funk. This week, 3 times I was getting short and shoved an unchallenged pot in late position with a drawing hand (Q/Js and such) and ran into vowels (A/A). On Sunday I had the day free, so I blew $15.50 in a $5.50 rebuy, then $11 in a CC by-in. Then I played a $5.50 CC game and won $35 (I think). But I played a few tiny games, cashing in one and failing in two, and basially finishing the day about even.
Non-Poker: Intersting stuff going on. Work is going okay. More hours would be good. I had a promising first date with someone on Saturday. She's really witty, intelligent and seems really stable, but lives farther away than I'd prefer. It'll be interesting to see how it goes. I'm cautiously optimistic. In poker jargon, this person has really good stats on many levels. I have not been doing my push ups as I'm still hurt. I think it's a tendon thing, not a muscle thing. I think I've been sitting weird, and using the mouse with a crooked arm, so it's straining the tendon by my elbow. The pain has been dissipating, but I've decided not to start push ups again until after my backpacking trip this June.
The Trip: I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I'll be going on a backpacking trip to Machu Picchu this summer. I'm excited!

The backpacking trip is 4 days, 3 nights. We'll visit other ruins along the way. We'll have guides and porters so it won't be roughing it too much. On Day 4 we arrive at the ruins early, a guide will give us a tour of the ruins, and then we hike down to a bus which takes us to a train which takes us on a loooong train ride back to civilization. The next day we fly back to L.A., and the next day I fly back to KY in the AM. So I'll be traveling a lot. When booking tickets, a trip to Peru from KY had a travel time of 22 hours, and cost a lot. Tickets from L.A. to Peru cost quite a bit less, and had an 11 hour travel time. Tickets from KY to L.A. were *less* than that difference, and had a 6.5 hour trip time. Yeah... do the math. I can travel alone for longer and for more money, or I can travel with my loved ones for less time and for cheaper. I'll fly into L.A. a few days early so I can visit my Mom. Then my brother, father, and I will fly to Peru a few days early so we can adjust to the altitude.
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