Cash games seem like much easier money. You start with 1,000 in chips and *anybody* can get that much every 5 minutes. So when you enter a cash game and go all-in with you AK or QQ or whatever you'll get called by things like 10-8 because people think your desperate... or they're stupid... or whatever. An all-in $1k bet is usually called by three or more people.
The blinds never going up means you can sit back and *play* without having to resort to riskier play.
Once you get around 6k you're usually close to being chip leader. A little more than that and you don't have to worry about getting busted out.
Once you have chips to burn, when you have a very good drawing hand, throw in $100 to $250 because anybody who calls $10 will call $100, and about half that many will call $250. When you hit your hand (every 5th or 8th time) you'll take in several thousand chips.
The obsessive compulsive part of me was irked when I saw that I quit last night before I hit 30k, so I logged in at lunch for a few hands.
The first hand I had A4 and the flop was 4-8-9. The turn was an Ace. I went all-in at that point, and ended up with at 4k+ chip stack when the dust settled.
I played three more hands (winning two, folding out of one) and quit before I had to post another big blind. My chip stack was over 9,600 when I went out, so an 8.6K profit.
Thank goodness I'm not too close to 40k. :)
If people played that way with real money not only would I be a professional, I'd be retired by Christmas.
Got home and entered two cash games.
Got brutalized in one, and no playable hands in the other.
And I mean brutalized. I had have the best hand all-in about 5 times and lost to suckouts. Brutal.
I was down to barely over 30k total.
I got some justice a bit later when a good hand stood up and got me about 3.5k. Then I got QQ so I went all-in pre-flop and was called by way too many people.... but I won the 13k+ pot.
So I'm over 40k total now. My goal is 100k by the end of the week.
In this next hand I was all-in after the flop, and called by two players who had no business calling. I was chip leader, so I won a side pot, but the person on my right took the lion's share of the chips:

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