Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Full Tile Feb. 7, 2007

These are from an emails I'd been making, documenting my Full Tilt experience:

I need to pay more attention. I got 4th last night, losing to three AFK players. It's not as bad as it sounds though.
Two were using the away function so they folded every hand, and the third had some sort of "always raise $600" script going. Either that or he was an idiot who just raised $600 every time to matter what.

I had two pair, which turned into a flush on the turn. I went all-in, and the $600 scripter called. He hit a diamond on the river to get him a bigger flush. I was what, 85% to win? Ugh! So even if I knew he was a scipt I'd have died there anyway.

I thought it was stupid that he always raised me $600 when I bet into him several thousand, but I never put him down as being AFK.

Anyway, right after that it was really obvious that the three remaining players were not at the keys. The raised tromped the other two.

I need to pay more attention.

Anyway, if people are running scripts that would explain how they can accumulate $1,000,000 in chips.

Just played another one. It started out as the wildest 90 person $250 tournament ever.
On the first hand I had 9/9 and some people went all-in so I called, and so did others. I won.
I was moved to a new table for the next hand, and given A/A, and I was first to act. I made a big raise and someone else called, then someone went all-in, I called, the raiser called and I won.
So in two hands, I had over 13k in chips. That's crazy.

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