Thursday, July 10, 2008

Banning myself?

I almost did the "Restrict myself from playing" thing on PokerStars as I'm mentally, well, devastated right now.

My wife has pretty much checked out of our relationship for quite awhile now and the Tuesday night she officially said that she doesn't want to try anymore and she's leaving. I can't say I didn't see this coming, but I hoped that her psychiatrist and medications would help, but they haven't.

For quite awhile now my routine as been to wake up, get our daughter (she's 5 now) up, and dressed and fed and groomed, and then take her to school or to work. My wife is usually out of the house before we get up Monday-Saturday.
After work I take our daughter home, make us dinner, play with her, tend the garden with her, bathe her, then watch TV with her. Right about when she goes to sleep my wife will get home from her art or meeting or whatever.
The two fall asleep together on the sofa. I want my daughter to go to bed at a set time in her own bed, but it's really the only way she gets to spend consistent time with her mother.

When the three of us go places with friends, my wife always sits away from me. She purposely isolates herself. It hurts.

I still love her and wish there was some way to make this work. But if she's completely given up, there's nothing I can do.

So, in poker terms, I've hit an incredible downswing and it's put me on life-tilt.
That's why I considered restricting myself from play.

What's stopped me is that I know I won't go crazy at the tables, despite this. I'm too meticulous/responsible to jeopardized the bankroll that I've spent so long building up. Also, I think that putting a few bucks down towards a mental escape is well worth the price.

I will not play a ring game because I'm apt to tilt and lose too much. It's just too easy to do in rings. But I do plan on playing in a $5 tournament tonight with friends from CardsChat. That should be about 1.5 -2 hours of play. If I lose... well... the $5 was worth the investment and it goes to friends. So no big deal. Arcade games, even pinball, costs $.50 per game now, so the rate is comparable. But at least poker is a bit more challenging and a a lot more social. The potential payout doesn't even concern me right now. The competition is actually better than average in this game. That's what I'm seeking, a tougher field so I have to dig down deep to do well.

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