This was early in the game. The limp was questionable. Normally I'd fold that, but in the short time I'd been there people were getting away with limps so I tried it.
Beautiful flop... that went from bad to terrible.
Not much I could do there.
The villain here was on two of my tables. He had seen me making a lot of moves. I had infinite aggression on one table he was on, and I chased him off a hand a few minutes earlier. Then he chased me off a hand almost immediately after that. So he thought he was trying to chase me me off a bluff with something like a K/x or A/x.
It was the right play, bad river.
I made a similar play on another table with 6/6, betting 2/3 pot ($10) when an Ace hit the river and was called by someone with pocket T/T. It was a good call on his part.
Things did turn around for me though. My online poker buddy started railing this game just in time to see this:
I was down a little less than $22 when I hit the quad 5's. This is the table... and I think the same guy who took my $10 Ace-on-the-river bluff. I guess that investment in image paid off.
Final miracle hand of the night:
It's hard to get paid off on hand like these. Oh well.
I played a couple games since I posted my last PT stats. The top three stats are from last night, the bottom two are earlier.

Here's a hand that cost me ($20.65) on the $14.70 game.
That Wildrider guy was a target. I was afraid of Bonds, because he was good, and only showed down because of the open ended draw and the fact that Bonds was probably calling down light as well, because he'd have known that Wildrider could be doing this with all sorts of draws, or even middle pair.
Anyway, if it was just Bonds and I in the hand I'd have lost less.
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