Feels good to run well. Things in my personal life are affecting my game, and I've had trouble shaking off the last 4-table session I did (the 4 top ones). I played those on my 9th wedding anniversary a couple days ago. Stupid stupid stupid (my wife is filing for divorce so if there was one day not to play...):

Oh, and in the interests of fair disclosure there are a couple sessions of $2NL that are in-between these stats. I did them just to tinker with my PokerTracker settings. I lost something like $3.50 total. Man... the play there is awful. You can guess how I lost the $ so there's no use talking about it.
I get Aces. Villain is 7/0/2 over 42 hands:
At the time, my primary reason for calling was the short stack. But looking back, I'm not sure if it's a good call most of the time. She doesn't seen like she'd play A/8 for TPTK, so I'm only beating 9/9, T/T or slow played face pairs. I think I'm up against a set most of the time.
Oh heck... I'm analyzing it wrong. I never would have shoved if she was a full stack. And a 7 isn't likely to play small pocket pairs, so pocket 8's are what'd beat me, and those just aren't as common as the other hands she'd make that move with.
I stand by my move after all. (Especially easy to do since it worked out)
A few hands later at the same table:
FACUMDP 8.9/6/1.5
enEngel 55/5/.6
I'm basically set mining, in position. FACUMDP has something like J/J or Q/Q. enEngel could have anything. Since he check/raised, he had me beat pretty badly.
The hand irked me some because I was closing tables at this time, and waiting for the blinds to hit. This cut into the $15.60 profit I had going at this table. Oh well. I guess it's not worth posting. I think everything is standard. I'm taking the $ away from them most of the time in this situation.
Villain is 22.6/9.7/3 over 31 hands:
I was just hot this hand. If you check/raise me and I have the nuts, I'm going to do this every time. I thought he had something like Ac/Qc or A/J. But a King high flush draw? No... I didn't expect that.
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