On one I was down $.30 as I was quitting tables and wanted to play until I was even.
Yeah. It's a bad habbit I have.
So I lost $8 trying to get that $.30 back.
Later I had 3/3, read a guy as weak, and won a $15.60 pot with my pocket threes when he folded to $10 bet on the turn. The board was 6s Jh Ts 7h. Yeah... probably dumb. I put a whole lot of money on the line for a meaningless green stat. (Ended up making a $2.40 profit)
Here's my first big hand of the night:
Here's the other important hand:
He three-bet, I looked at his stack, he had enough to justify a call, so I called...
The top seven hands are what I played today. The top 5 were from tonight, and the other two were played earlier today. I am pleased. I've had good luck in the my good hands have been holding up probably more often than they should.

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