Sunday, September 20, 2009

2 Sunday Games

I played the OFC game on FT.

Early on I have 7/8s on a 4/5/6 rainbow flop. Someone raises, I re-raise, somone shoves, the original raiser folds, and I call.

He shows A/5.

Turn is a T, river is a 2.

Then the chips move over to him. What the... ?!?!?!

Ends up I misread the flop. It was really 5/5/6. Ugh!

I don't usually play with my daughter up, and I was chatting with a guy who was in the same game at another table, so I just got distracted and misread it.

It was a stupid mistake, and cost me the $5.50 buyin.

Later I played the weekly Sunday game, and played it with extra effort. :)
Here's a spot where I get tricky:

...I can dodge with bullets, Baby!

I ended up getting heads up when the other person had a 3-to-1 chip lead on me.
I caught up a little but just wasn't able to make it happen. I think I was about 50/50 to win in that situation, but it just didn't work out this time.

The winner was the person with the straight flush in the other hand. My $5.50 investment paid $73.80 for the 2nd place, so I can't complain.

I cleared my third step in the Take Two bonus on Thursday I think. I have $25 in bonuses guaranteed, and I'll unlock the last $25 on Saturday assuming I play every day this week.

I'm getting enough on Full Tilt that I'm considering making a deposit so I can cash it out if I want to. I guess I'll wait until I get to a point that I feel like I'll play a lot to unlock the 1s time deposit bonus.
I always considered my FT account a play account, but it keeps getting bigger, so I'm starting to care about it. ;)

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