Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I'm on a cold spell.

Last night I lost 1.5 buy ins at $25NL in my fist (two table) session.

After midnight I went back on and got K/K really early... VS pocket vowels. Ugh. Down $25 the first round.

I cashed for a whopping $3 in a freeroll, but otherwise nothing has been happening lately.

With an hour until I have to pick up my daughter I meant to sit at a turbo double-or-nothing (35 minute game) but accidentally sat at a standard one, which can take 50 minutes.

I had a nice stack when a short person opened in early position and I called with J/J. The flop was T/T/7. He had A/T and I was down to $1k. :(

A little later a guy who VPIP'd 60% limped in. I shoved with my 5/5. He called.... with 8/6! We blanked the flop. The turn was a 6 and the river was an 8.
Game over for me.

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