Friday, May 30, 2008

$50NL FR

I decided to take a stab at $50NL, full ring. I sat at three tables, and finished ahead in all three. I finished in the green on all three, and was in the green in my other shot at $50NL, so obviously I can expect to come out ahead every time based on these results.

I play short sessions, as my attention wanes and I like to leave before I start losing.

I won quite a bit without ever seeing the flop. I won with a big bluff towards the end. I represented a Q on a board that had two queens, and he believed me. I really had a busted nut flush draw. So his fold was good news. The same fold would have been a disappointment had I actually hit my flush.

It wasn't long that, despite the bigger limits, I found my attention wandering. I kept focusing on some TV show I don't care about. I can't even remember was it was. At that point I closed all but one table to prevent myself from getting careless. The one table I left open had a couple targets I was hoping to exploit. That bluff on the QQ board was against one of my targets, so I left soon after that.

So far I'm 29.32BB/100. Totally sustainable!*

*unless I end up being human.

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