I played a few (20) full rings at $.01/$.02 when I was starting out, but only played short tables. In fact, I only had 1 hand in the #4 position.
My first real ring game was with a group of CardsChat.com players back in February. I lost something like $12 early (most to Zachvac, on a stuuuuuupid play) but managed to end the session in the green.
Yesteday was my second, and I finished ahead as well.

Hmm... that might not be legible.
$25NL, 148 hands, 20 hands won, 2 sessions, 1.95 hours, $14.90 won, 20.14 bb/100, $10.07 $/100, 15.28 BB/Hr, $7.64 per hour, $5.15 rake.
I really didn't see too much difference between 6-max and full-ring. I'm in position less and there are more people drawing to potentially better hands, so I have to tighten up a little. But the same concepts apply, I just played tighter.
Yesterday, I kept getting hands UTG. I took a lot of blinds with UTG raises. At 6-max I'd have been called a lot more.
I think the weakest hand I raised with UTG was A/Js.
Anyway, I've been thinking about testing the waters with full ring. Maybe I'll try 6 tabling those instead of the 2-4 tabling the 6-max I normally play?
We'll see.
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