Last night I wasn't in the mood to play rings. I had planned on hitting two $2.20 satellites but I got really tired. Then my K/K got cracked by A/K to knock me out 1/2 of the way through (I had an above average stack) with three of us all-in, which took a little wind of my sails. So I decided to call it a night.
I decided to sit at a few tables for a few minutes to see what happened before going to bed, but got in a conversation with a CC'er and ended up staying longer than I had planned.
At one table my 8/9s flopped top two pair with 2 clubs on the board. I got shoved on by a big ($65) stack who I put on an overpair and I won despite both the turn and river being clubs. Thank goodness he didn't have any clubs either. He had J/9! Nom nom nom!
At the other table, I had A/T on the button I think, and two-paired the flop vs a short-stack's A/Q. He got pwned.
Yesterday's stats: (The top two stats are from last night, the bottom two from the morning)

Here's the results of the my previous day's ring sessions:

This one is from even earlier day... Wednesday. It was several days ago, and if I recall I lost $.80 for the day, which was worth the price of diversion:

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