It seems so much softer than $50NL. I feel like I can control the table at $25NL.
On one table... this guy:

I get my only big pocket pair at that table (Q/Q) and he had A/A so we were all-in pre-flop and he flopped a set.
He was consistently bad, but kept winning enough to stay positive.
A little bit later he doubled up against me again when he had A/A.
A bit later I took some back when he slow played A/A and I made a flush.
After awhile his aggression dropped:

In hand #146 I think him get his third K/K of the night as well.
Meanwhile, I was a small pocket-pair machine. I got them left and right on all four tables, never once flopping a set. Not once.
There was another donk with 50/x/x stats that had a habit of taking my money. I got him all in on the turn and he rivered his 6 outer. Oh well.
But I won me some chippies despite not catching a lot of breaks (did make a couple flushes... only because that donk priced me in to the river) and it felt good to get back in familiar waters.
I'm not sure what limit I'll play next. I'm tempted to hit $25NL until I win back my losses from $50NL.
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