Friday, June 20, 2008

4 more tables at $25NL

I came out ahead on 3/4 of my tables. I just couldn't catch a break on the one table.
I was up against a donk and told myself that he was going to shove and I had to call (villain was 73/18/4.5 and was making stupid moves):

Here's one I enjoyed at a different table. The guy was 43/31/3 (42) and would join every hand that I was in, and would steal the pot from me. He had me marked as a target or something. I could tell he was specifically aiming for me.
After folding to shoves twice seeing Q/Q I was hoping he'd try something again:

I done got all my monies back!

After that I played in two $.01/$.02 games with CardsChar people. I made $2.25'ish on one and lost $4.40'ish on another. Much of the loss was due to fancy-pants play, as I was playing for fun rather than profit.

Anyway, I'm up for the night. Still a bit to go before I recover from my attempt at $50NL.

Oh... my setless streak has ended. I only had one, but it was a dream flop. I had 7/7 and the flop was A/7/K.

Unfortunately the guy bailed on the turn though. But it was nice to break the streak.

Later, at a $.01/$.02 I hit a set as well (3's), Vs A/A, but the flop was too scary for him and he was smart enough to bail. That's what I get for playing CC members. Oh well, good for him.

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