A couple months ago I played hard for several weeks to unlock a bonus and since then I just haven't had the drive to play. Plus I cashed out. I haven't hit a cold spell, but I've pretty much been in limbo, not winning or losing. Not driven to give it my all ever game, so I make dumb decisions.
I've been playing more tournaments since then and have been doing pretty well. The S&G's haven't been doing well, but I've had a few decent scores in bigger tournaments that more than make up for it.
Moving up to $50NL at this point was a mistake I think. Here's how I did last time:

Live tournament:
Like I said, I've been very please with my tournament games. I've gone to a friend's family's game up in Louisville three times. Three of us would drive up, with about three tables worth of people.
The first time the driver (the guy's who's family it was) got first place. I finished in the middle, and my other friend who carpooled with us was out fairly early.
The second time the driver was out fairly early, I was out just before the final table, and our other friend/carpooler got first place.
Last night was the third trip. Everyone told me it was my turn to win.
I played my A-game. I also had a couple beers during play which loosened me up a bit. I honestly think it helps.
I was the best I've ever been at reading tells. I had a guy on Kings with my 9/9 when I made my set which made me table captain. I picked up on my friend's "sewing machine leg," I picked up on his uncle's sigh when he bet, I picked up on another guy's stare down, I picked up on a lady's glance at her chips... all the classics. I got out of a lot of dangerous situations like folding my KJ in the BB on a K/T/T flop ( I guessed he had A/K but later he told me he had the T. Maybe K/T.)
At the final table I wasn't doing well in chips, but people were playing weak and I was able t make some steals when I saw they were weak.
Actually, fairly early in the BB m M was so low and I was priced in to call a shove when I had Q/8 suited) and he had A/x. I ended up hitting my 8 to double up.
That gave me an OK amount of chips so I could make some bluffs without committing myself is someone shoved back.
With three of us left I had A/K on an Ace high flop and the woman on my right shoved. I called, and she showed a pair of twos. Blah blah blah... the river came up a 2. Doh! She's the new chip leader.
I end up knocking the other guy at the table, so I recover, but HU she still has a lot more chips. Blinds are big enough that I probably had an M of 10 and her was maybe 15. But I was a *much* better Heads Up player than her and figured the game was mine to lose.
And I didn't lose it. I just kept taking her chips as it was pretty obvious when she was weak. A few times she just surrendered the small blinds.
The final hand was my A/K against her 7/7. She shoved, I called. The board ended up being something like 2/J/Q/9/T. I make Broadway on the river and pocket a nice payout.
The money is nice but really, I'm just glad I won it. I didn't want to be the one guy out of three of us who hadn't won it yet.
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