Played four tables at a time, dropping one when it dried up, and dropping the others when I was starting to get bored and my target left one of the tables.
First, here's the big loss for the session:
This was standard. I'm only posting it because it was pretty:
And this is standard runner-runner-four-to-the-worst-possible-flush BB special:
So despite the TPTK loss I came out ahead less than 1 BB. But green is green!
I was a bit more aggressive than I think I should have been, but it worked out.
Second hand at my first table:
I didn't pop it up too much because I figured there was a good chance he was stealing, and I wanted a call. I guess he really was stealing. Oh well.
This happened immediately after that hand, on my second table:
The $3 open makes me immediately think the guy has T/T. Shy people make that bet. Had he opened to $2 I'd have popped it to $6. I think maybe my play broadcasts "I have Aces or Kings." Oh well. Again, I think he has T/T. I'm a bit disappointed with the river, as I think it cost me a call. Oh well.
This is the very next hand at the same table:
Dang it! Why couldn't you have Q/Q or K/J?
I think the guy had T/T:
My chips! Nom nom nom!
Here's a standard play that I do all the frigg'n time. I don't even know why I marked it to post here, but here goes:
Big whoop huh? If you're someone who's not doing that, you're probably not beating 6-max.
This guy had made "too many" 3-bets IMO, so I played back:
I'd have been done with the hand had there been an Ace on the flop.
I get ladies. They improve. Not sure why I'm posting this either.
This guy chased me off an eerily similiar hand earlier. I folded my $8 bet after he 3-bet me on the turn. I decided he was full of it this time, and shoved to chase him off. His call made me sick inside...
I was down $30-something at that table before that last hand. :)
Anyway, I came out green and I probably shouldn't have. I'm just not bringing my winning game to the table... it just happened to end up that way.
Maybe I'm a little hard on myself. If some pairs had hit sets I'd but up quite a bit.
The first... Played at the local charity tournament. 58 players, and I made it to the last 16 or so before shoving pre-flop with A/Ks and losing to K/8o. My Q/Q, and J/J held to earlier pre-flop shoves, and my K/K was uncalled (when I limped to be tricky) so I guess my other good hands held. :)
The next two games were $10 double-or-nothings. I recorded them (maybe to post on CardsChat) and cashed in both.
The fourth game, well, was two. I won a kamikaze style hyper-turbo S&G for entry into a $50 tournament. Here's a summary of how that went:
I'm taking a break from poker now. I just opened the shrink wrap on my "The Island" DVD. It was a Christmas present, from 2007. I'm just now getting around to watching it.
Played a short session: I suspect I'm beat on the river and mean to just call, but I misclicked!
I had to call the minimum re-raise, but that cost me an extra $7 as I had to call. :(
Sometimes I bluff.
Because, you know, just playing your hands isn't as profitable.
He had nothing.
I knew I should have played with my junk:
My junk is big:
I guess I should play with it more.
Anyway, I finished the day up $13. I played maybe 170 total hands over the 6 or so tables (4 at once and I think 2 switches). Not great, but it could be worse.
I'm drinking peach Schnapps and orange juice now... so I'm not going to play anymore.
I started playing Christmas Eve, after I made sure that Santa had made his rounds at the stockings. I finished a little after midnight... Christmas!
Well, actually, I played a few tournaments earlier. I had a win and a loss in a $10 double-or-nothing, and a loss in a 210 fpp satellite to the Sunday $11 game (It's a Guinness Records attempt this week, so I think it's $500k instead of $200k guarantee). I lost the satellite in a Q/Q pre-flop shove against two other all-ins. I hoped they both had A/K, but one had 6/6 and another had A/K... and he hit his Ace. Oh well. It was a guaranteed cash if I hit that.
Oh yeah, I also played one table after the tournaments. Not much to report there.
So anyway, I hit my "real" games this evening after making sure that Santa was done with the stockings. I was not impressed with my play. I think bluffing cost me about $15 it didn't need to.
This one wasn't smart, but I didn't have him down as not-smart and was tilting some. So it was my not-so-good play vs his bad play:
I didn't have him on the Ace, then when I hit I changed my mind and decided that he had the Ace.
I should have bet this for value. Oh well.
Value town:
He went into the tank before making the call on the river, which made me feel good about the bet. But you know, there's always the "how much more would you have called?" thought.
This is shortly after that hand. I figured chiko was tilting, and would play it the same should a similiar situation come up.
Ends up he was tilting, but he still had a better hand. :)
I try to get some value because I doubt he has anything:
Down 4 buy-ins tonight. $200. :( I got stacked four times because of the river.
I played some really bad poker, and some really bad poker got me. But I can only control the former.
Anyway, I think if I was smart I could have come out of tonight -$100. I tilted.
The good:
The bad:
I am such a tard post-flop.
The ugly:
How do I put him on that? I thought he had two pair. Feh!
Shootout at the K/K Coral:
Well, it could have been worse.
This is the hand that made me quit for the day:
I wasn't paying attention and folded. Then I noticed I had Jacks and he was a short stack. Ugh. I was far from playing winning poker at that point and quit.
I might play a tournament tonight, or just watch some movies.
Boo for losing half the month's profit in one night! Boo!
I started off pretty hot (up $50'ish), then cooled off (down $10'ish), then came back. PokerStars made more than me. Boo!
Not a great result, but it could be a lot worse. I got all-in with A/Ks vs Q/Q and won the coin flip. I think I missed a lot of opportunities with A/A and K/K. People just didn't want to call. I had A/A and someone three-bet and I probably should have just called instead of popping it up. He claims he had A/K and I told him I had A/Ks.
I'm officially not allowed to complain about suckouts for the rest of the week. A little background first... I was on a raising streak. I kept raising to $2 and taking the pot down uncontested. People had to think I was some maniac who was full of BS, but I had legitimate raising hands. I figured the villain was taking a stand with a pretty wide range here:
He flops a set. I 4-flush the river. Ha ha ha ha ha!
At this point I should have quit. I started donking off chips at other tables. I was way too aggressive. So not long after that I was actually at a loss by a few bucks for the session.
These guys are so unpredictable.
I hit three sets that were folded to on the flop and an A/A that took the blinds. But losing gets my head back in the game. I went back to my A-game, quit making dumb bluffs, and made some money. Oh, and hitting some hands helped. :)
Keep betting your good hands because...
Sometimes people don't believe you.
This guy is a pretty good player. I put him on an actual hand. I'm not sure if I played it right though.
I mean, obviously I shove the river. But do I get his stack in if I bet the turn? I'm thinking that maybe a "scared" bet will get him to move all-in on me?
Anyway, I finished up just short of a buy-in for the session, with a 14.76bb/100. Totally sustainable, huh? But I expect that to go down some because I do plan on playing for another hour later tonight.
Well, this was almost a "Boo!" post. I started off well, green on all four tables. Then K/K burned me. The guy hit his four outer on the river after we were all-in. Feh. What he was doing calling my raise with his 8/6s I'll never know, but it sure paid for him. (I hope he chokes on that $50)
So up nearly $10 for the night. Not great at all, but much better than it could have been. I'm glad I was able to make up ground.
I did have some interesting hands, I just don't feel like posing them now. I'm going to watch a friend play.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I want to watch my recorded episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles so I'll make this short and sweet.
I played four tables, three had two or more people leave, so I decided to end the session there. I wanted to put some more time in to unlock Silverstar by the end of the week but I think I'll probably do that anyway.
Down a buy in. Longer than usual session. Half the loss was due to getting my fingers caught in the cookie jar. But you know, if you only make moves when you have hands people start to believe you and stay out of your way.
The loss puts me down to 4.9bb/100. It'll just take a good day to get that back up. No biggie.
The WBCOOP is an online Poker tournament open to all Bloggers.
Registration code: 342738
This happened fairly early in the game. Tell me if this is standard:
The guy had a 3-bet percentage higher than I've ever seen. I decided to call him and either milk him if I hit the flop of bluff him off the c-bet. That Ace looked beautiful to me, so I took his money on the flop. Standard "play the player" play. Well... I was scared. But I was right.
I did a fist pump on the turn:
...then a doh! Black Maria burned me! Oh well. Money was in good.
This one just played weird. The guy I'm trying to draw against makes a weird fold. The guy other guy makes a weird call.
I also had a period where I had Q/Q that made a set and paid little (due to a big flush draw on the board), followed immediately by Q/Q that made a set on another table and lost to a rivered 4-to-a-flush (Jack high, but I only lost $10), followed immediately by K/K that flopped a set and actually got me $15 ($30 pot), which is all I can expect on a K-high board when the dude was holding J/J.
I had a mix of tables closing and I wasn't sure if I was up or down when I quit. Was the table I was down $30 on showing a $3.30 profit now or did I close that one and replace it? I guessed that I was up maybe $8 for the night. I was pleasantly surprised. Me for the day:
I had a pretty good session this evening. I was up over $75 on Walraven but, you know, stuff happens. No bad plays. Here's the big loss of the night, which is from that red game. The villain's VP$IP is 88.24%:
I think I'm getting called down with weaker Jacks and T/x type hands a lot if the time here.
Here's how I stand for the month. The down swing that essentially reset me sucked. But, I think I'm running a hot otherwise.
Update: A friend who plays on occasion sat at a $3.40 27 player game. I played too, taking 2nd place. I won two or three coin flips along the way but stayed solid. No regrets. I don't think I ever got it in really bad, and in the end I was all-in with the best hand (decent in chips) and he made 4-to-the-straight. No biggie. Didn't even make me groan.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Boo for downswings! Boo!
Short and sweet, I lost all of today's profits plus an additional $14.
Worst hand: I three-bet pre-flop. I open the flop (A/K on K high flop) and call the shove. He has A/4c for a flush draw, and rivers it. $155 pot down the toilet.
Stupid -$85 sessions!
I probably should have quit while I was ahead. I'd have slept easier.
Oh well.
Played a short 20 minute session. 86 hands over 4 tables.
Ran well.
I had been tight to this point. I figured I'd make a bluff at the pot. i wasn't happy when two people called me with my Ace with no kicker.
The kicker gets counterfeited on the turn so I pretty much know I lost. But then I saw that he was on a draw. Sweet!
Here is an interesting one. I four-bet it. I decide to fold if Skills calls (he seems solid, 20/20/na), because then I'm crushed. But Needgoodhand is 72/33/2.6 so I'm calling him always.
I figured I was way ahead on the flop. But the fourth heart had me holding my breath. An Ace of hearts with a Q or something would have sucked.
Anyway, I don't know if I'm done for the night or not. I have the house to myself tonight. I'm torn between beer and watching The Matrix or getting some hands in. Both are good choices.
I'm a low volume player and sort of want to hit silver star this month. I just haven't been putting in the time to get there. It's a good time to do it. But also with the wins, I'd feel bad if I played and had a losing session. Right now I'm happy with poker. Winning won't make me happier ($ is just points), but losing can spoil the mood.
Played a short session. I wanted to play more but two of my four tables dried up and I just didn't feel like getting new ones. My computer has been buggy lately and I'm getting a new one so I not motivated to fix this one.
Tonight I played 274 hands over 4 tables. A bit over $13 profit. I bluffed off close to $30 really early on one table, so I'm totally happy with that.
In this hand, I thought the guy had J/9 or maybe a smaller PP. I literally said out loud to my screen, "What? That bet makes no sense?" Then I called and prepared to hate myself...
Look at his name. Fail.
Here's a hand that I played terribly. I thought the river was a good card to bluff, because I thought I was beat by pocket Jacks:
I was sick when he called. Then I did a fist pump. This is the table I'd bluffed off $30 at earlier, so I guess he didn't believe me. :)
Today I looked up my win/loss for positions this month at $50NL 6-max. I'm profitable in every position except the BB (-$81.75) and positition 2 (-$45.95). Yes, I have a profit in the SB ($87.35). And get this... in the SB I've lost $47.50 with K/K. As for the 2nd position losses, my biggest losing hands are 8/8 (due to a donk shove), A/Ko, and K/K. Heck, take away that one donk play and set my K/K hands to 0 in that position and I'm green.
Being profitable in the SB is nothing new for me. I'm pretty sure I was profitable there moving up $10NL and $25NL. I give up a lot the SB a lot, but I think that lets me steal the BB more often. That is, if I let someone walk he's more likely to let me steal next time. Plus I'd like to think that I do OK post flop.
Yesterday is the bottom half. Today is the top half. See a difference?
I made half of yesterday's loss back. But see that Amalthea III table? Here's the profit graph for that table: Down $90 at one point.... for the biggest rebound of my life!
Here was the start of the rebound...
And the biggest pot of my life:
Stacking with TPTK? Moi? I was seeing some screwy over-aggressive behavior and was pretty sure I had the best hand. A bet would chase him off, so I checked the river to feign weakness. I planned on check/raising. But he shoved, which makes little sense for a big hand... so I called. Cha-ching!
How did I get down $90? Oh... I raised in middle position and the SB called with 5/2s and made a straight. How can I possibly put him on 5/2? Then a tilt shove with second pair. Feh.
Anyway... no more poker for me tonight. I'm quitting while I'm ahead. Oh... here's how I stand for the month at $50NL: Yeah, I don't play a lot of hands.
I wasn't (too) involved in this hand, but found it funny:
Add stacking pre-flop against a loose guy with my A/K vs his A/A.... Getting A/A 3 times, taking the blinds twice and my c-bet getting the one caller's bet the other... Getting lag and timing out pre-flop with A/Ks... Getting stacked because someone called me pre-flop with 5/2 and he made the straight... Stuff like this:
Yatta yatta yatta...
Down $167.55 for the night. Not fun. But I think I'll make SilverStar this month... :(
Played a little bit tonight. Had some success, and only one significant loss.
Had I won that I'd be up over $75 for the night.
Total hands tonight: 425 Total profit: $38.40 Total play time: 89 minutes
Here's an interesting hand. When he called the turn I figured I was beat, and was ready check/fold the river:
Oh... and there was one hand that I played dumb. $8 pot. I have J/T. Board is 8/9/J/8. River is 8, the guy goes all-in for $18, and I insta-fold. Then I realized I folded a full house. We probably would have split. Oh well.
So, a bit later... ...I chanted for a Queen on the river...
...but her hubby will have to do. :) (I'd have taken a Greenstein too.)
I just wish that PokerStars showed you the opponent's hole cards *before* the river when you're all-in.
Played 4 tables, for a grand total of 159 hands. Made $2.80 on two tables, and $35.75 and $36 on the other two for a $77.35 profit. Not bad for 159 hands!
But then I went back... 3 tables, 31 hands (because a friend wanted to play a tournament) making $.50, $13.75, and $24 for a $38.25 profit.
So tonight I played 190 hands and made $115.60. That's awesome at $50NL.
I'm a happy camper.
I don't even mind losing on my third hand in the $1.20 tournament I entered, after I shoved in hand #3 with 3/4o and some donkey called with K/K to beat me.
You read that right. My buddy and I decided to go all-in every hand as long as we were at different tables. The first one out would have to pay the other's $1.20 entry fee. That schmuck tripled up on hand #1 when his A/r went up against K/K and 5/5, and he Greenstein'd ("Ace on the River") so I was pretty much doomed. I was out and a few minutes later he had over $7,000 in chips. Simply incredible.
So I lost $2.40 due to that. But so what? No red in the rings!
I haven't been playing many, but here's how I've been doing.
I had a wrong tournament in the last graph. It has a $10.50 buy-in, which I thought was a turbo before the price was lowered, but it was played back in March so duh on me for including a game that took place before the double-or-nothing games started.
I was up on 3/5 tables today. The 3 losses were small too. So I'm happy.
I decided to play a couple double-or-nothing games as well, winning both. In one game I VP$IP four times. All four times were raises. All four times I took the pot uncontested. Basically, I folded forever. Made one bet with Q/Q UTG and they all folded to me. The guy on my left said, "Nice hand." My first thought was "He just gave me a license to steal from him." When I folded down to $700 the blinds were big, so shoving got me folds and brought be back up over $1k. I think I had K/Ts. Then a bit later (down to $700 again) I shoved with A/Ko. Finally, I shoved with something like J/6 on the bubble with the short-stack in the BB. It was a pretty safe position.
So anyway, I'm really happy with how things worked out tonight.