See a difference?

I made half of yesterday's loss back. But see that Amalthea III table? Here's the profit graph for that table:

Down $90 at one point.... for the biggest rebound of my life!
Here was the start of the rebound...
And the biggest pot of my life:
Stacking with TPTK? Moi?
I was seeing some screwy over-aggressive behavior and was pretty sure I had the best hand. A bet would chase him off, so I checked the river to feign weakness. I planned on check/raising. But he shoved, which makes little sense for a big hand... so I called.
How did I get down $90?
Oh... I raised in middle position and the SB called with 5/2s and made a straight. How can I possibly put him on 5/2?
Then a tilt shove with second pair. Feh.
Anyway... no more poker for me tonight. I'm quitting while I'm ahead.
Oh... here's how I stand for the month at $50NL:

Yeah, I don't play a lot of hands.
1 comment:
THanks for the comments on my blog I wanted to say thank you right away since I have self-banned myself from all things poker for 24 hours which ends at around 6pm tonight.
To answer your question, YES I table hop like a frog with his ass on fire. If I dont see the right VPIP and at least 1 big stack fish at the table I'm out of there. I am also avoiding the solid regs since there are so many tables to choose from.
I think my problem HAS been two main points:
1. Sick coolers that I just ended up on the wrong end of things.
2. Really bad river calls to value bets with monsters that "probably aren't good" ... hard to let go of a straight for example but when the board is paired AND has a flush I should let it go.
I think playing smart positional tight poker is the best way to go. Not sure when I am playing next but the detox is feeling good so far.
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