Stupid third club! Why couldn't it be the 8c?
So, a bit later...
...I chanted for a Queen on the river...
...but her hubby will have to do. :) (I'd have taken a Greenstein too.)
I just wish that PokerStars showed you the opponent's hole cards *before* the river when you're all-in.
Played 4 tables, for a grand total of 159 hands. Made $2.80 on two tables, and $35.75 and $36 on the other two for a $77.35 profit. Not bad for 159 hands!
But then I went back...
3 tables, 31 hands (because a friend wanted to play a tournament) making $.50, $13.75, and $24 for a $38.25 profit.
So tonight I played 190 hands and made $115.60. That's awesome at $50NL.
I'm a happy camper.
I don't even mind losing on my third hand in the $1.20 tournament I entered, after I shoved in hand #3 with 3/4o and some donkey called with K/K to beat me.
You read that right.
My buddy and I decided to go all-in every hand as long as we were at different tables. The first one out would have to pay the other's $1.20 entry fee. That schmuck tripled up on hand #1 when his A/r went up against K/K and 5/5, and he Greenstein'd ("Ace on the River") so I was pretty much doomed.
I was out and a few minutes later he had over $7,000 in chips. Simply incredible.
So I lost $2.40 due to that. But so what? No red in the rings!

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