Thursday, December 18, 2008

TTTThusday night

I'm officially not allowed to complain about suckouts for the rest of the week.
A little background first... I was on a raising streak. I kept raising to $2 and taking the pot down uncontested. People had to think I was some maniac who was full of BS, but I had legitimate raising hands.
I figured the villain was taking a stand with a pretty wide range here:

He flops a set. I 4-flush the river. Ha ha ha ha ha!

At this point I should have quit. I started donking off chips at other tables. I was way too aggressive. So not long after that I was actually at a loss by a few bucks for the session.


These guys are so unpredictable.

I hit three sets that were folded to on the flop and an A/A that took the blinds. But losing gets my head back in the game. I went back to my A-game, quit making dumb bluffs, and made some money.
Oh, and hitting some hands helped. :)

Keep betting your good hands because...

Sometimes people don't believe you.

This guy is a pretty good player. I put him on an actual hand.
I'm not sure if I played it right though.

I mean, obviously I shove the river. But do I get his stack in if I bet the turn? I'm thinking that maybe a "scared" bet will get him to move all-in on me?

Anyway, I finished up just short of a buy-in for the session, with a 14.76bb/100. Totally sustainable, huh?
But I expect that to go down some because I do plan on playing for another hour later tonight.

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