Monday, April 7, 2008


I'm up $250 from last post. A good chunk of that is from playing a couple $3 CardsChat games, and finishing 1st then 2nd.

I had lost a lot of confidence in my tournament game, but I found the leak in my game (I get bored, don't care, and then stick my neck out) and have been making an effort to correct it.

In my past 8 tournements/S&G's I've finished:
1/4 (two table HU S&G)

That last one was a CC special event, and I was in 4th place at the time, donking off my wad to the chip leader. It was stupid. I had A/9 with a bunch of scattered low cards on the board and we checked to the river, which was a 9. The leader bet and I shoved with top pair, top kicker. It ends up that 9 completed the villain's inside straight draw.

It was really stupid on my part. I worked my way from last place with 820 chips to 4th and blew it all by being to aggressive with a junk hand.

I know what to do, that is, I know the theory, but I have a difficult time putting it into practice. Had I taken ten seconds to think about it I'd have saved myself a lot of grief and would have had a good shot at finishing in the money.

I was able to get a 100% matching bonus on a $100 deposit. I didn't like making the deposit, as I like having my entire bankroll winnings. But as soon as I unlock the bonus I'll cash out the $100 and redeposit it.

That bonus has prompted me to start playing 4 tables. I have laptop that I put together using a hard drive from a second that I play on. It has a small screen, an 800MHz processor, and maybe 256MB so 4 tables is about all it can handle.
Also, DSL isn't available in my neck of the woods (I literally live in the woods) so if I look for tables it lags me in any game I'm playing. So the more tables I have the harder it is to add more. I usually add myself to 6 or so waiting lists, then join them as they become available.

ANYWAY... As I was saying, I've been playing four tables to get my FPP's up so I can unlock that $100. Either I'm on a hot streak, or playing 4 tables has improved my game. I'm playing fewer questionable hands because I'm not getting bored, and I'm making more per table than average.

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