Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Played my third $20 DoN.
Won it. Now I'm 3/3 in those.

It was brutal at the end. My first two games lasted 34 & 32 minutes. This one lasted 48 minutes, getting up to 300/600 blinds.

The way people were playing, I suspect there may have been some collusion going on. Two stacks who were aggressive vs most of the field weren't all-in via against a certain shorty when he could have been shoving anything. Maybe they were just dumb, or maybe I'm overly sensitive to that at the $20 level. I don't know. I wrote notes, and if I play against them and see the behavior again I'll report it.

It was a hairy game.

That was my second raise of the game. My previous raise was with K/K as well, but everybody folded to it.

You know what's going to happen on the river:

When we were down to 6 (he bubble) we once went 12 hands without ever seeing a flop.

This guy was too getting aggressive, but it wasn't worth tangling with him IMO:

The very next hand:

That was probably too nitty. I don't know. I figured I could outlast the three others, as the blinds would hit them pretty hard.

Ten hand later, I can't believe nobody's busted yet:

Three hands later, I called for a diamond on the river:

The next hand:

The two big stacks are the people I considered suspicious, and the shorty is someone they seemed reluctant to knock out a couple times already.

And finally...

Note: I searched some of the players and though I saw that Peter guy playing, he was *not* playing with anybody else from my table. So I'm probably just paranoid due to a small sample size.

Another note: A friend of mine looked the players up on Sharksc0pe a little while ago and informed me that only myself and Smoker are profitable S&G players. The others are stuck $1,100-$8,100+. That gives more credence to the theory that I was just seeing things.

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