Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm a noob-tard

Last night I lost two buy-ins at one table, and nearly a buy-in at another table.
I was spewy and suicidal at the table.

The biggest tard move was getting K/K, having someone call my 3-bet, and then stacking on board that had an Ace high flop. I was just mad at the flop and then punished myself. Bankroll masochism at its finest.

On the other table... I came back and my 3/3 flopped a set. I failed to notice the flush draw (deerrrrrr!) and he rivered the flush. It was only $2.75 or so to call by the end, so even if I noticed I had to call. But still, what angers me is that I didn't see it.

I should not have been playing poker last night.

I won a few buck on the other tables, but was a big loser overall. I don't have stats, but I'd guess I lost about $55 last night. Probably about $35 of that was avoidable. Maybe even $40.

My bankroll on PokerStars sucks now.

Bah... enough bitching. What I need to do it get back to the non-greedy grinding mindset. No tricky plays, fold when I'm beat, etc.

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