Monday, May 19, 2008

S&G Satellites are killing me

Well, my "goldmine" had gone bust lately. I lost my last 5 S&G's, four of them I was all-in with the best hand and they turned or rivered their flush. The last one, I had A/J on a A/J/4 flop (two hearts) so I shoved and his K/Q benefited from a T on the river. It was a 10k+ flop, so had I won I could have folded my way to the payout.

I swear, I was just happy that I didn't lose to a flush. A heart on the river would have done it.

Oh well. It happens.

I haven't been playing many rings, which are my bread and butter. I was running bad, then cashed out a bunch last week, and have been avoiding them until I'm sure I'm not going to play aggressive and try to win back my withdrawal.

I cashed out enough that I'm no longer properly rolled for $50 NL. However, some CC'ers played a $50NL table so I sat at one for the first time.
I made 49bb/100!*

*Over 16 hands, so it's means nothing.

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