Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's my birfday

On my last birthday I had a terrible day at work trying to rescue a server and was out really late. When I got home everyone was asleep. I played poker and lost a bunch.

This birthday went a lot better. Oh, I still lost $ playing poker, but less than half a buy-in. I was down a lot on one table and managed to make a profit there. So I'm happy. I never had a really big win, but I was able to take a lot of small pots.


I went on tilt:

It paid.

I hate these hands:

But I love these hands:

I just wish they paid more. The other guy called too much, but since he probably had crud I was just trying to get as much as I could. I just with the T was a spade, or the river was a Q.


My first hand of the night. Could I have gotten away from this? Maybe. But oh well.

4/2 pays!

So anyway, I won a bit last night, lost a little less tonight. So... I think I'm up $15 or so this week? I guess it could be worse.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......