Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I didn't hit PS, but I spent some time on FT to get that bonus. I didn't do all that well.

Anyway... I finished down $20. :(
But today I unlocked the $5 and I'm half way to unlocking an additional $20 and I think I'm in the green overall for rings on Tilt.

Oh... I also had a whim to play a Matrix (4 table) tournament. I was out on a table in hand #1 when my J/J (on the button) got all in pre flop VS A/Ko in the BB. The flop was A/A/x.
I forget how I was out at the other two tables, but they were early as well. I made good plays, but had bad results.
I flat out won the last table. So, $.90 return on a $1.25 investment, for a $.35 loss. Oh well.

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