Sunday, April 5, 2009

Good day

It was a very good day.
I didn't play much poker, just some hands on Full Tilt to unlock their "Take 2" bonus. I'll probably play every day to unlock the $20. Though, I'm playing way under-rolled.
Yesterday I did a full stack bluff check-shove and was called by someone who had paired his 6 (K/6), so I lost $50. I'm a tard.
I did OK on Full Tilt today, making $9+ profit. On one of the last hands of the night I cut my profit in half though:

Do I even need to explain what kind of player he was?
I should have made it more pre-flop, but my HUD is messy for FT and I'm new to it so I didn't realize that many people were in the pot.

Anyway, poker had nothing to do with it being a good day. I did some house work, I watched my daughter play soccer on a beautiful sunny day, I played soccer with her when we got home from the soccer game, we played in the house, we made dinner together, I tucked her in at night.
Really, I only played poker to do the daily bonus requirement.

Poker is less and less a factor in my life, which is a good thing. But when I do play, I'm happy with how I've been playing.

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