Friday, April 3, 2009

Good, bad, and ugly

I started an early session and was doing well on 3/4 tables, and only down a couple bucks on the odd table. I was bossing people around, people weren't calling my bluffs, isolation plays worked, etc. I felt like I controlled the tables pretty well.
Here I raised with my little pair and called for set value, hoping he had J/J plus and made an overpair on the flop.

Then towards the end of the night:

Anyway, despite losing these, I finished the session down less than $28. I'm still up (barely) since my return to rings a couple days ago, but only by $7+.

I'm done with rings for the day. I'll probably hit the last-man-standing event, which is the $4k guaranteed tonight at 8:15.

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