Friday, December 19, 2008

Could be worse

I started off pretty hot (up $50'ish), then cooled off (down $10'ish), then came back.

PokerStars made more than me. Boo!

Not a great result, but it could be a lot worse. I got all-in with A/Ks vs Q/Q and won the coin flip. I think I missed a lot of opportunities with A/A and K/K. People just didn't want to call. I had A/A and someone three-bet and I probably should have just called instead of popping it up. He claims he had A/K and I told him I had A/Ks.

Here I am for the month:

Oh, some hands.

You called me for why?

Hurray for ladies!

Ladies let me down:

Ladies are fickle, dude.

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